Tuesday 20 January 2009

WORST ENEMY OF CHRISTIAN CHILDREN Is not dope or pornography

The worst enemy of Christian parents is the one that is fighting against the faith of their children and they don't even know how it is happening. It is happening through the schools and the mass media. It's not the schools, they're just government entities. It's what's being taught through and in the schools by experience every day. The lack of Christian parent awareness makes it easy for the enemy of our soul to bite children in public places. Places such as McDonnalds put demonic eyed dragons to look at children while they eat breakfast, lunch, and supper. This conditions children to acceptance of evil eyed looks and even associates it with good feelings of food and family togetherness. And which pastor spoke up against this to warn his flock? From pre-school through graduation, children are bombarded with pictures of ape-men teaching against God's creation. Compromise is taught as the great democratic value for Americans to hold instead of faith toward God and standing for His truth. We are not fighting a battle for worldly things, but we are fighting a battle for the eternal soul of our children and the rise or continued decline of America.

Who will teach your children's children? Will you give the training of your children over to a teacher who reads MURDER IN THE DOLLHOUSE to third graders instead of something that gives life? You, dear parent, are responsible for what you allow to be fed to your child's mind and heart. A single seed planted can become a rotten harvest a few years later. Guard the garden of your child's heart and mind. Guard it well for God has promoted you, the father and mother, to protect and nurture your child. You are responsible for whom you give authority to train your child.

Children of Christian parents know how to reject the enticements of dope and vice. But children don't know enough to reject ideas taught to them in public school when those ideas sound good on the surface but are founded on ideas contrary to Christian faith.

You, dear parent, give your authority to the school to train up your child. That child knows the school has been approved by most parents. Therefore what ever the school says is the way things are. The school takes on an authority bigger than the parent to some children. And when school feeds ideas contrary to parent's values, that family is in for conflicts.

The worst enemy of Christian children is not dope or pornography. Christian parents have taught their children to reject those things which are obvious. Their worst enemy is attacking them with subtle poisons of humanism. Like the serpent in the garden telling Eve she didn't need God because she could do it herself.

Subtle deceptions are even sneakier today. Library books, short one day courses, assignments outside of the text book, special projects and many more ways are used to teach things other than reading writing and arithmetic. Massive support is given by colorful posters on school hallways and classroom walls to many values contrary to godliness. Teachings that are not listed in the curriculum guides, but teachings that are increasingly happening in schools because of the increasing disregard for Truth.

The school is being used to feed poisonous ideas contrary to Christianity. The Bible was not just taken out of school, it was replaced with another religion called Humanism. Why don't more parents know this?

School is being used to condition them to shallow thinking instead of deep thinking.

School is teaching the answers instead of leading them to understand.

School is being used to train them that all kinds of evil can be acceptable.

Schools are teaching philosophies of men and ignoring the scripture of life. and teaches them that evil is good.that which they can't see as attacking them. Their worst enemy is the one who feeds them daily with a meal of information authorized by their own parents but the cook has put some arsenic in the meal. And the parents don't know it, and the children think its great stuff. Public schools are now training up children in the religion of humanism. Approved by the silence of parents and pastors alike, the school system is winning the battle for the minds of children being indoctrinated with philosophies of men contrary to God's word.

If any man sees a sin and bewrays it not, he is partaker thereof. All those people who have kept their silence must repent. All those who see the evil and will not tell others for fear of their job or their pension must now tell it like it is. It is a sin not to warn Christian parents how children are being fed contrary values through public schools.

Christian training of children is part of the purpose of this site. Understanding for parents and pastors can be found here. This site also opens many doors to similar places around the country.

Atheists are laughing at Christian parents behind a mask of humanism, as the atheists train up children the way they want them in public schools. Christianity has not just been taken out of school, but it was also replaced with the values called Humanism. Differences between humanist values and Christian training of children are listed here.

Parents and pastors must study to know the problem, to recognize the serpent that is biting their children. John 3:14.Then steps can be taken to remove the poison and heal the children. There is help in Christ for those who will know the truth. Otherwise, the children will continue getting stronger doses of philosophies of men contrary to Godly teaching, that can cost their eternal soul.

Scripture says God's own people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge, and the war colleges agree by teaching that your worst enemy is the one you don't recognize, the one who fakes you out.

Dopers and gangs are not the worst enemy of your children because children can see them coming. The worst enemy of children today is in the public school where lifestyles contrary to Christianity are trained into the children. Parents give their authority to schools when they send children to school. So the children accept everything taught to them at school as from an authority even higher than their own parents! There is a clear contrast between Humanist values trained in our schools and the values of Christian parents, but few pastors have taught the people about those differences. Even fewer parents know enough to recognize those differences. Yet those differences are the downfall of America, and the increase of crime. Special short courses taught by visiting people, unlisted on the curriculum guide, have been terribly offensive to Christian values.

When parents send children to school, a transfer and approval of authority happens. Christian parents don't realize that atheists are laughing behind a mask of humanistic teaching. Atheists, also called humanists, say the battle for hearts of children is being won in the public school classroom over the rotting corpse of Christianity.

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